We have a line of products focused on the care of women’s health, to accompany them at any stage of their life. During pregnancy, vitamin and mineral supplementation is important since they increase nutritional needs. During climatery it is important to manage the symptomatological picture for which there are therapeutic alternatives, such as Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and Non-Hormonal Therapies of natural origin.
We have a portfolio of gastroenterological products of the highest quality, for very common conditions that affect a large part of our population, such as irritable bowel syndrome (previously known as colitis), diarrhea and alterations of the intestinal microbiota (previously known as intestinal flora), liver disorders and their complications, as well as various upper digestive pathologies such as ulcers, gastritis and gastroesophageal reflux disease.
The Pediatric line has a wide portfolio of products aimed at children’s health. We have medicines and nutritional supplements that are used by pediatricians throughout the Mexican Republic. Our products are specially focused on issues and conditions such as diarrhea, infant colic, malnutrition, neurodevelopmental stimulation, anemia, respiratory tract infections, wounds, burns and dermatitis of diverse etiology. The constant launch of new products and line extensions is a characteristic that undoubtedly strengthens the Megalabs Mexico pediatric line day by day.
A line specialized in dermatology that provides high quality therapeutic solutions for the main skin pathologies. With more than 15 years of experience in Mexico, it has become one of the dermatological lines most prescribed by dermatologists. Its broad portfolio of products meet the needs of doctors and patients throughout the country on a daily basis. The products are characterized by using raw materials that meet the highest quality standards and their formulas are carefully studied to achieve therapeutic objectives while protecting the health of the skin to the maximum.
We are committed to the health of the skin and therefore we provide therapeutic solutions for the care of oily skin, with mild, moderate or severe acne, including the spots or scars that may appear during treatment. Our products are exclusively for medical prescription, so only the specialist can recommend the most appropriate ones.
In 2019, its line of products is launched in the therapeutic area of Osteomuscular-Pain.
The Pain-Osteomuscular line has prescription drugs designed to improve the quality of life of patients with high incidence diagnoses in the Mexican population, such as:
· Osteoarthrosis
· Back pain
· Muscle contractures and
·Pain in General
Portfolio with quality products, therapeutic efficacy and fair price … DOM line always committed to health.
At Italmex Pharma from Megalabs México we care about your health, for this reason we offer free sale products that will help you stay healthy, improving your quality of life and giving you physical and mental well-being.
General Medicine
The General Medicine line offers a range of medications focused on various conditions such as diabetes mellitus, hyperuricemia, wounds, burns, acute respiratory tract ailments, allergies, among others.
The product portfolio of the General Medicine line has contributed to the care and well-being of Mexican patients for 8 decades.
We participate in medical events and support Continuing Medical Education, with the aim of continuing to build a solid platform of knowledge for the benefit of Mexican society.
We have cutting-edge products that offer the highest quality therapeutic solutions that treat the main ophthalmic pathologies. Our portfolio offers eye lubricants, anti-allergy, anti-inflammatory, mydriatic, multivitamin, and prescription antibiotics.